Here's a quick weekend report for ya. A bit later than anticipated but my Monday was uncharacteristically busy.

Friday night was kick started with a late showing of the new movie "
Choke" based on the book of the same title. Some may or may not remember the movie "Fight Club" (honestly, how can you not?!). Well the same author, Chuck Palahniuk, wrote both books. Yeah it was good, and yeah I'm biased, Palahniuk's writings are some of my favorites so I had an inkling that I'd enjoy the movie. Not for the kids though.

Along came Saturday and a weekend of racing. The trip north was made easier with good company from the lovely
Amelia. Good conversation and maybe(?)3hrs later we were in Shawano, WI, home for the weekend to WORS #11.

After a bit of meandering and chatting a preride was in order. All I'd known of the course was hearsay so frankly I didn't know what to expect. I rolled some semi-slick tyres because I knew the course would be dry but after a lap of the rough, loose, dusty, twisty, corn fields, culvert, leaves and most other interesting things you'd find on a mtb course I decided the slicks weren't gonna cut it. I don't enjoy sliding out and after numerous slow motion drifts to keep me on my toes I was back at the car changing wheels.

Back at it and with the bling meter going off the charts, the second and third laps were perfect. (For clarification that bling meter goes off the wall when a certain set of Reynolds carbon tubular wheels comes out. Not only are they carbon folks but when you add a set of Dugast sew-ups to it the crowd goes wild. More on them in a later post). With the wheels and tires in order and the body ready to rip it was back to the cabin for a little R.R.

We were lucky enough to get a spot with
Christine and Ty from Alterra. Thanks again for the spot, it was perfect! After an incredible dinner, an epic sunset, drunk noisy neighbors, and fire, may or maybe not in that order, I was done and ready for bed.

Sunday started out nice and mellow. A couple Belgium waffles later and I'm getting ready in my Adventure 212 costume. A good warm-up with the
boss was in order and we were toeing the line...waiting.

A miss of the pedal seems to be a good way to start, so I'm doing good. Before the first single track section I file in 5th or so, comfortable. As things progress I see Cole and Chris nudging slightly away and know I better get moving. Nearing the culvert crossing I make it around, but now I've got a bit of a chase to make up ground. Lucky the effort pays off and before the extra long field section I'm back on the lead train. Sweet, this is the second time in a WORS race I've been able to get on the lead. I'm gonna keep this short. Basically the five laps spent across the road from the start we rode together. Incredibly consistent laps, smooth and fun. A slide out from Chris and a sweet slow motion tip over from Cole were the highlights, oh and the numerous jokes that were told. Is there always this much laughter at the front?

The last lap was called neutral due to the amount of lapped traffic we were catching and then back under the culvert under the road we go. At this point Chris throws down with couple quick accelerations. I yo-yoed but come back only to yo-yo again. Eventually we knew it was coming to a sprint so that was that. Around the last corner I'm still hanging on at the back and get caught around some Comp guys. I watch as Cole and Chris sprint it out. I would have liked to have been on it but I think the results would have ended the same, I was spent. Results
here. Also more coverage here. Thrilled I am for my highest finish ever.

Some Pizza in downtown Shawano with Chris, Michelle,
Scott, Mark and of course Amelia, rounded out a pretty solid weekend on the bike. Thanks to all for the comments and fun!