a mountain goat image

Sheboygan and the official close of the WORS seasons went out with a bang yesterday. Beautiful temps, perfect course and lots of serious(ly awesome) fans made the day. Ended with a fine 6th place just off the box which also allows me to keep my top 5 overall in the points standings for the year. Stoked? You bet, it was close last year but this makes it. Results.

Some folks might have heard me say this before but I'll reiterate. I remember a time, over fifteen years ago when I began my WORS career as a young tike. I'd always race my race in the sport field with no aspirations, just out to ride my bike, and then after finishing, I'd watch the fast guys in the elite field. I looked up to those fast guys and at no point did I ever think that I'd be racing elite let alone a somewhat fast guy. It’s pretty surreal to think that I might now be one of those fast guys. What does this change? Nothing, just that I'm at a level that years ago I didn't think possible.

So Sheboygan. A quick recap. Saturdays preride had me a bit worried. You'll see why from the last published post that is being turned into a soap opera. Legs were flat, and the warm-up with the boss on Saturday only added to the nerves.

That evening Amelia and I met up with my brother and his friends in MKE for Moda 3's Boardfest. That’s right folks, shred season is moving quickly upon us. If you haven’t experienced Boardfest, basically Moda closes the street (this year it was their extra large parking lot) sets up a scaffolding roll-in (3 stories high this year and nearly as wide) and adds a few rails (hubba, kinked, round, and flat) Add some snow, a whole bunch of kids and you've got yourself a good time. A good time is relative to someone’s attention span; mine was short this year as there was one kid (maybe 2) who were actually decent. The Rusty Ps were on stage for a few which was good and also the skate sess, which again refer to the above statement about attention span in relationship to my thoughts.

Sunday came and went. How's that for a race report?

Really though, had a decent kick at the start but ended up getting stuck behind a few folks that I knew I shouldn't have been behind. This slowed single-track progress and in turn allowed a front group to roll away. Eventually I hooked up with Nathan Guerra. and we rallied a couple laps catching Dallas Fowler around mid lap 3. After a few turns Dallas and I are riding on our own. Last lap Dallas and a comp dude bobble and now I'm by myself, this only seemed to be for a second before I hear some dude breathing down my neck. I'm thinking, "where the hell did this comp dude come from, and why is he coming from behind me?" Turns out this was no comp dude. It’s the one and only Cam Kirkpatrick on a mission after a rickety start. Up the gravel climb Cam puts down like he's on his first lap and while I barely latch on I'm hoping he doesn't do that again. In fact I think I recall asking him politely not to do that again. Just before crossing to the quarry side my chain drops (this is the second time in the race and in the same exact spot, what are the odds) and Cam is gone. I'd love to think that if my chain hadn't fallen off I might have stayed with him but frankly dude was riding with rocket-powered legs. Maybe but unlikely. So basically that’s were it stayed, 6th overall for the WORS finale which keeps me in the top five for points. Another WORS season in the books. Next up on the MTB, the Beechwood Blaster and Iceman Cometh. There'll probably be some ‘cross in there too...but we'll see.


Iguana said...

Nice job dude!
Finally you made it to the final box at the banquet.
I'll see you sometime soon, or when ever I have time to escape from Carlitos.
See ya.

Ben said...

does this mean the little kids are going to be looking up to bender and asking mom if they can grow sweet chops too?

Congrats man, hopefully I will see you again before spring.

Rasmussen Bike Shop said...

Do other folks, kids included look up to you, you bet they do! When riding behind you, stuck behind a few comp guys, you handled the situation like a pro, you were patient and polite. If I had kids, I'd be happy to have them look up to you. Had a great time racing against you this year and lookin' forward to more of it next year. Congrats on a great season!
