On the agenda was this. vic-n-megz.com

At one point it seemed far away and then it was upon me. Megz (Megan) is one of my best friends from high school and after getting to know Vic, it was just one of those things that was meant to be. The best part? Being involved in the ceremony. That’s right folks I was a bridesman.

Rewinding a few days in the week I realized there probably won't be much riding or racing on the wedding weekend so I decide to have a bit of fun and ride as much as possible. Monday I was back across the IL boarder. Ripp’d a bit on the 'cross bike, ran and then ripp’d some more with my dad with the added barrier or two. Tuesday I found myself back in Milwaukee and keeping with the 'cross theme meet up with the one and only
M.P. Hammer to hit the miss'n'out race at Estabrook Park. Not much of a recovery (excuse) from Shawano and I'm 4th. The 'cross thing isn't exciting me as much this year...Get back from the race and aim the Mercury Pillager towards Madison. Wednesday morning I'm out on the Military Ridge trail riding tempo to Blue Mound and back, rest, repeat, this time to Quarry Ridge with much needed company. After more chilling it’s already Thursday(?!) and I'm back in Milwaukee. What to do this fine day? MKE River Trails? Aight. 3.5hrs later I'm totally exhausted but those trails were in grade A condition so I couldn't stop. As Friday rolls in I feel it might be nice to just spin. The MTB and I are pretty close so a nice hour along the lake were just what the day called for. Now for wedding responsibilities.

Megz wedding was in Chicago. First on my bridemans list of things to do were to meet up for tea at
Russian Tea Time. Who'd a thought a restaurant could stay in business just selling tea and a few light snacks?

Moving on, a short walk back to their Hotel and we had a few to lounge and wait for rehearsal just up Michigan Ave. at the
Museaum of Contemporary Art. For those who've never been, check it. It’s a pretty cool museum. At this point I get to meet the fella I'm walking down the isle with. Judd from VA who’s a graphic designer. Cool. This should be fun come tomorrow...

With the rehearsing finished, exhaustion is setting in but we've still got dinner.
Park Grill in Millennium Park says the schedule. Sounds good and I'm promised that I won't be disappointed. And I certainly wasn't. I can still see, and taste it. Beet salad, salmon over sweet potatoes and something so good for desert I don't even know its name. There’s an after party but I'm partied out and Milwaukee's not gonna drive itself to me. So I hop in the van and rage my way north. It's about this time I notice a slight tingling in my throat. I'm thinking being sick wouldn't be good so I go for a vitamin purge when I get home and hope for the best in the morning.

Morning comes extra fast and first thing I'm thinking is what day is? What’s going on today? I remember it being big day but it’s size hadn't come to me just yet. Wedding. Right. Oh, how’s the throat, oww worst, great. Deal with it later but its not looking like its gonna be good. What else. That's right. Gotta find out when the date is gonna be here so we can journey southbound. More craziness ensues including a flat tire, and we're following the lake south towards the Windy City.

An afternoon spent following drunk groomsmen+groom around the city and my patience is wearing thin. Wedding time rolls around and I'm glad to be back at the MCA with the bridesmaids, sounds weird to say that but I've known them much longer. With that said the Wedding was about to begin.

Without having to make this extra long, as this post is already extra long I'll keep it short and to the point. Highlights. Walking down the isle with Judd. Hilarious, laughs all around. It was great to stand up on Megz's side. Very short ceremony, and I think most were glad as the sun had just headed over the MCA and it was getting chilly. Seeing Megz getting married. Probably thee highlight. She deserves a rad guy and Vic's it. Congrats!

The reception saw a very perfect setup. No signed seating, no official sit down meal. Just food, drinks, and good company. Eventually dancing was thrown in and whether that was good or not remains to be seen...

Exiting the reception near the end led us to a friend of Amelia's place who was cool with us crashing there for the night. This honestly couldn't have been better, I was feeling the throat pain and was tired. Two hours to MKE wouldn't have been good. Our hosts Annie and Mike were cool as all get out and to them I say thanks! Conversation lead to sleep which in turn lead to more conversation over a tasty breakfast at a diners name that I can't remember. It was tasty but damn, is my throat really swelling like this?

After checking and double checking weather it was decided that we could in fact make it to Palos to get a bike ride in. That's right, multitasking. Weddings and bike riding. All was according to plan until the bikes get pulled out and it's realized that one wheels skewer had undone itself and the nut had gone missing. Frantic searching and asking to borrow one from locals and we're back on the highway to Milwaukee. Probably better off because no sooner than were back on the highway, than it starts raining. At this point that my throat really becomes something to worry about.

The rest of Sunday was spent in bed simply relaxing. There's nothing else to do and I'm hurting, and swallowing is now becoming something to dread. I had a great nurse, but only for the evening. This is something that's I'm not registering as a common cold. It’s at a higher power and it making its way to 11. Monday and things are still worse. Visually the side of my neck is larger that the other. A trip to the doc is needed and now. Isn't it to bad that the only time we see doctor's is when something’s wrong or there is a potential for it. I'm lucky and get an appt. in 20 minutes from the call. Doc says hey, I say oww and she does some tests only to come up empty handed. The only thing she tells me is that this is most likely to get worse before it can get better. I'm like worse?! Codeine was prescribed for the pain.

Well she was right about one thing and that was about it getting worse. Pain has never felt so incredible and at one point it was created some serious hurt on the entire right side of my head. Codeine did little at this point. And swallowing? Forget about it. My throat was so swollen that it was just about blocked, I'm just glad that I could breathe thru my nose. I also learned how to choke quite pleasantly and some might say with style. At this point I hadn't had anything to eat since Sunday night and drinking was getting scary.

Tuesday comes and I'm on the phone needing another appointment. Turns out I lost my voice so it was fun struggling thru moans and grunts. An appt. was only available for the afternoon so I tried to stay alive for a little longer. After zombieing my way to the doc's, getting the "wow you look worse" from the same receptionist as the day before, I finally see the doc. Literally one look at me, at my tonsils and she's like yep its blossoming. Frankly I don't like to hear that things are blossoming in my throat but if it leads to an answer whatever. Turns out there was some sorta bacterial infection on my tonsil, no biggee, and antibiotics were the cure.

So Wednesday morning comes along and while I'm not near 100% I'm able to eat and have the motivation to move about and even get out for a short spin. What a couple days...

Oh and if you made it this far, incredible. I'll never post something that long again.


Coffee King (CK) said...

I ate my entire lunch while reading this. It was a good story though. Thanks for sharing. Hope that you are now feeling better.

monad man said...

me too, i'm glad you are feeling better -- do you think it was some crap stuck in the tonsil area? maybe some crap you picked up at Shawano? who knows what was in that culvert.

hey some whitefish bay high school kids were pretty impressed with your zippy riding down the bowl near the river

Iguana said...

Nice post dude!
I'm sick too, cold and sore throat, but you know what's the best medicene for that, Guatemalan secret, "2 tequila shots"
That's right, I'm about to go get them, I'll let you know how it goes later tomorrow!
Have you check your email? :)

annie said...

Hope you're feeling better! It was great to meet you and get to hang out for a bit -- you and Amelia are welcome back anytime!

Cat said...

Bridesman, eh? Never heard of it, but you may see a couple at my wedding...whenver that will be. :) Glad to hear you're still alive!