
A fine recap of my weekend can be found here. No riding whatsoever but that doesn't mean the weekend can't rule.

Not much else on the radar right now. Other than spending a fair amount of time in Madison I've been keeping myself busy with thoughts of next year and beyond. This heavily includes riding and racing but there are also a lot of unknowns at the moment, much of which pertains directly to everything else in life. Theres not even a good way to go about describing it. Exciting? Yep. Electrifying? Yep. Nerve-racking? Yep. And about a million other descriptors can fill in my thoughts. No need to worry though, thats not gonna change a thing...
On to the rest of the day. A bit of bike work, design, internet, research, laundry, and trip home to see the folks. Got a couple project planned there too. First things first though. This coffee isn't going to drink itself...

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