
This pic of Sven Nys, winner of yesterdays Superprestige #4 in Hamme Zogge, Belgium, fired up some memories of how much I enjoy cyclocross. As the few readers of this blog know I didn't race any 'cross this year. This was due to having a strong focus on mountain biking and also a virus they call mono.

For those that don’t know cyclocross, basically take a city park, create an interesting course, add a bit of tech, open it up in other places, find a hill to steep to ride, add a couple barriers, hope the weather cooperates and it's just warm enough for mud but its still snowing, then, get on what is essentially a road bike with a bit of tread and tear your lungs apart for an hour. Its not mtbin,' its not road, its sorta eccentric. But for whatever reason it’s fun. Yes. It is fun.

With that said, don't get me wrong, I consider myself first and foremost a mountain biker. It suits my strengths and it's where I've had the most fun and best results. But for nearly the past 10 years ‘cross has been a very strong focus of mine. It’s a nice change of pace not racing it but really it fueled me for next year.

The most ironic thing about this whole situation is that while I don’t consider ‘cross my ultimate focus anymore, I follow results on it closer than another sport. I’m a junkie when it comes to seeing whose sitting where and how they finished. This relates almost specifically to European racing but with the introduction of a few super heroes from Wisco and Illinois (you know who you are) it has been equally exciting watching results domestically.

So you ask, who’s my favorite rider? The man pictured above, Belgium Sven Nys, hands down. He is by far one of the most dominant riders, not only in the mother land of Belgium, but also the world. If you’ve seen him race either live or on screen you’ve seen that man’s skills. I’ve watch via internet and on TV the way he rides. When he’s on no one can match him, when he’s not he’s still near the top. It’s an incredible spectacle to see.

So that’s enough ‘cross talk for now. Enjoy the last lap from Hamme Zogge, Belgium from yesterdays superprestige.


Mountaingoat said...

I thought I was your favorite cross rider?


Chris said...

Did you see the interview with Nys in the latest Cyclocross Magazine? Pasta with no sauce before a race, pasta with sauce after. No potions. The man is an animal.

TOM_Bender said...

Sorry Goat, I didn't want it to get out like this. Secretly though you're still on top of my list. Chris, I did read that article...Nys is a manimal for sure!