
Turkey day. This is a a little belated but worth discussing none the less.

The shenanigans began on my way home from Milwaukee on Wednesday. I met up with the Goat, Jerry and the Baron to ride PETS. It was my first experience there and it was a good one. I've got a soft spot for ridin' snow packed trails and this only exemplified it. Thanks for the tour boys.

My arrival into Illinois was not met with fireworks and applause as I had hoped, but I did get a warm reception from Alyeska, aka "husky" and the rest of the fam.

Tom Turkey day began with what has become a traditional morning ride. My Dad and I hit the Mcdonald's Woods, Ethel's Woods, Raven Glen, Redwing Marsh, Sun Lake, and finished it up with Hasting Lake, all of which are part of the Lake County Forest Preserve system. A perfect 2 hour loop before feasting.

I should say though, before we did sit down to eat my brother and I got to work on the snowboard park in the backyard. Its been dubbed "JB's mountain lab" in lieu of my brother and also DC shoes mountain lab in Park City. Which is better? You be the judge.


We finished off the park with a bit of homemade pecan pie courtesy of my grandma

That night my brother, Mom and I feared the crowds and headed to the mall at midnight. Not really to score any good deals but just because we could. Gurnee Mills, however did have some good stuff to score. I found myself a new winter jacket, and a new pair of Nike's. My bro also scored two new sets of Nike's. That brought his total for the weekend to 3 Nike's as he also just bought the new Nike snowboarding boots for rippin.'

The rest of the holiday weekend has been pretty chill. Hangin' out, group riding on the trails, and just enjoying everything. The coming weeks are looking to be exciting so look out! Oh and lastly, whose wants to teach me how get on some skinny skis?


Mountaingoat said...

Sweet park.

Come on down, hopefully we're skiing in the morning.

Seth C Eckert said...

If your in mad town i can show you how to feel stupid on two planks. I hit McDs woods sunday for a little run, miss that place.

GARAGE864 said...