
It seems that cycling outdoors has come to a neck breaking stop lately with the addition of snow and cold temps. Milwaukee has received about 4-5 inches of the white stuff, while a handful of miles further north has received about double that. The thermometer read 9 degrees when I woke up this morning. Really? 9 degrees? Isn't that, like, Jan/Feb temps?

Have I been on the bike though? Yep. Early morning on the trainer for the moment. Just some basic drills to keep the body in balance and to keep my seemingly hyper motivation in check for the coming year. Weight are also being pumped, gonna get all buff and stuff. Feeling good as this was the first official week back doing something on somewhat of a "plan." As stated above, motivation is at an all time high with things sorting out quite nicely.

Speaking of things for the coming year. With the addition of colder temps comes riding in colder weather. I want to give a big thanks to Ward from Barmitts. I'm expecting my mitts to arrive within the week and can't wait to try them. I've had problems with cold hands and I'm guessing these might be a solution. I'll keep you informed as to how they work. I'm also working towards a frame sponsor, any ideas?

Things on the skiing front are slow going also. I've got a pair of skis that I can borrow from my dad but I've got to get home to pick them up. Boots I might be able to borrow from a friend but that remains to be seen. My hope is that by the time I get the equipment figured out, winter will have disappeared and the roads and trails will be somewhat rideable. To be continued...

Last thing for the day. I was reading about the "birth" of the modern cycle and came across the "rover safety bicycle." It's essentially the modern bike or what we have based the bikes that we ride on today. It's not carbon, it might not weight 15lbs, and it might not have Campy 11spd but it is an incredibly beautiful bicycle. Whats more is it was created in 1885. The pics say the rest.


Mountaingoat said...

I thought you were already buff?

Have your Dad bring those skis Saturday with him and you can meet us at Nordic.

Pets is actually looking awesome for snow riding. We only got a couple inches. I may try to get out tomorrow afternoon or Sunday.

amelia said...

i'm keeping close tabs on the weather in georgia, colorado, north carolina, and texas for us...and they're all better than wisco!