
While standing in the checkout this afternoon with my groceries I'm a little zoned out but still conscience enough to eavesdrop on the conversations around me. Besides what else do I have to do while I'm standing there by myself? I'd already gone through the tabloids so I needed some new entertainment. I got what I was looking for.

A Hispanic family (this does make a difference, you'll see why in a sec) was unloading their goods in front of me and the kid (I'd say he's at least 16) picks up this piece of fruit and starts eyeballing like it just asked him the history of the world or something. This kids in deep thought. Finally he looks up to his dad and says point blank, "why we getting this old wrinkly pear?" If there wasn't a shopping cart to prop me up I would have fallen over from laughter. It seriously just about killed me. His dad smirks at his son and says, "that's a avocado." It's simple things like this that pretty much made my day.

Stay warm ya'll and if I forget to mention it, Happy X-mas (the x stands for xtreme!) and Merry New Year.


Coffee King (CK) said...

Ok, that actually did make me laugh :-)

Iguana said...
