
Lets go back a few days. It had been decided that we (brother and I) were going to go snowboarding last Thursday and Friday weeks prior. When the days approached and the temps dropped, 2 days turned turned into hope for at least one day that would be somewhat bearable.

So a trip that started with, "lets go to the UP. Turned to, lets go to Granite Peak. To, lets go to Cascade. Ended with, do you still want to go?" We bit the bullet and ended up going Friday anyway, to Devil's Head.

Going anywhere with my brother is a good time and laughs were abound, but frankly with the thermometer never getting above 0 degrees it was uncomfortable on the lift (mental note: Devil's Head has the slowest lifts ever) and it just plain hurt coming down. Skin never froze so quickly.

The sky was a bluebirdium shade of blue but looks can be deceiving. Visual:

The rest of the weekend, which consisted of Friday thru Monday, was very chill. I spend a good portion of that with my girl, turned a few days older, which now makes me 26. Also, Martin Luther King Jr. had a birthday and we've officially got a new president, and the list goes on.

1 comment:

Tim D. said...

Yeah the lifts there are really slow. In fact all the ski areas in Wisco have slow lifts.