
Morning frustrations lead to an long afternoon ride to. I opted to let it all out on every col I could find. The route looped back upon itself numerous times as I eyed different roads, scenic by ways and at one point another rider (read: rabbit). These roads get better every time I'm out.

I succeeded in blowing myself to smithereens and I nearly pinpointed the exact detonation. As I turned and climbed up Hwy JJ, the pain was setting in but it wasn't until the last little crest just as I turned onto Moe that the fireworks rained. At that point I accomplished my goal and it was time to head home.

I opted for tempo on pretty much the only flat trail/road I could think of. The tail wind was nice but the trail was just soft enough that there was no benefit whatsoever. All that was left to do was hammer. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

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