hammer face photo courtesy of mountaingoat.

Its gotta be said. WORS is one big extended family. Its great to see everyone after the long overcast winters, it really make our series what it is!

With that said. WORS #1, IOLA.

Preride went well as did the warmup. The bike and selection of goodies on said bike were also dialed. The nerves were working just a bit as I never know what to expect from myself and others.

With last years result I got a nice front row call up next to my home boys in crime Chris and TJ, who, by the way, was hot off a win from Saturdays race up in Cable. National Athem plays, countdown begins and The Don lets off his vocal gunshot. I miss a pedal then continue my way back near the front. Down into the bowl then back out things are going well. Not exactly in the spot on I want to be but feeling good and smooth. Just before the rooted climb I find myself on the ground. Its seems one person can't make turns very well on their mountain bike causing mass confusion and taking, I'm pretty sure, more than just myself down. I was then irate. Trying to stay in the front is easier than chasing back to the front. True story. I ended up riding by myself the rest of the 4.5 laps catching glimpses of TJ and Nathan around certain corners. I rolled in for 6th on the day, which, all in all isn't so bad, but not what I was hoping for for the first one. I guess that racing.

What's up next? That's unknown for the moment but I've got some good ideas. All I know is that it feels like a mountain biking kinda day (aren't they all?), and I'm pretty sure I'm out to explore some new trails.


Seth C Eckert said...

still a nice job HAMMER

bubba said...

Good show man.....

Who was that dude in the woods that kept growlin' BENDERRRR!!! at the top of his lungs?

I was wondering if that clown would ever shut up.