Well, he'd prolly not want to get involved in blurry photos such as this one, I wouldn't either. After years of seeing this guy ride lines larger than life, I finally ran into him and had a chance to say hello. "Hello" he said back at me and then we parted ways.

No, that part didn't happen but it would have been funny. We did, however, chat for a moment about all things splitboarding and while he didn't want to get out with me to lay a few turns he did allow a blurry photo. KUHL. Day complete.


ScootsOnMoots said...

sweet. been looking his splitboard for christine.

The Neil said...

Pretty Awesome...

TOM_Bender said...

Scoots, his boards make other boards look like high school shop class. 2011 stuff is going to change things. Neil, I'd second your comment!