This cursors been staring at me for a few minutes now, music’s in the background playing something real good, suns shining and best of all its Friday. I'm wonderin' to myself "what the heck do I say to begin this spot!?"

Well my plan isn't to say a whole lot but I did want to have some sorta intro...something nice and flowy to make the transition from lack of blog to new blog a bit smoother.

It took a bit to actually start this spot. I went back and forth numerous times as to why would I need to blog, whose gonna want to read about me, what’s the point, so on and so forth, yadayada. I'm already boring myself. In the end, your reading my decision.

So what this spot all about? Some passions of mine, all things cycling and racing, design, shred and some other stuff. Is there going to be randomness? Oh, I sure hope so. Is there going to be things that you have no interest in? Most likely, and that’s fine. Take the things that interest you and leave the rest. I don't want this to be to personal, no, I'm not telling you what colour underwhere I'm wearing today...but if you did want to know, its red.

With that said, a bit about me.

I'm a 25 year old fella, semi-pro mountain bike racer (forced to go pro next year), live in the fine city of Milwaukee but I'm a transplant from just a smidge over the boarder in Illinois. I graduated in May of 2008 with a BFA in Industrial Design from the
Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. Currently my job status is unfortunately unemployed, but the search continues. Anyone want to help a brother out? Yeah, that’s my first and last plug...

Well that might be enough for now, as this creature grows and matures you'll learn more about me and my situations.

What’s up next?
WORS #11 this weekend, gonna miss some UCI cyclocross. That license just currently isn't in my budget...

I’ll end this just like I started it. This cursors still blinking, music’s gotten louder, yep it's still sunny, and did I mention it's Friday?

mountaingoat photo


amelia said...

bloggity blog blog blog
welcome to the blogging world yo!

ScootsOnMoots said...

i've been waiting for've now joined the masses and will be cast off into the deep abyss that is the blogging world. good luck to ya.

ScootsOnMoots said...

and btw, i just quit my job today. if you can count moderately fast and don't mind putting up with irrational behavior periodically, i'll recommend you for the position. you will, however lose all rights to be mad at me later when this place drives you insane.

Cat said...

Awesome! Since I haven't seen u for awhile at least I get to know what's going on in ur life! Hope alls well. Call me! :D

The Shed Master said...

The blog world is already way to full. I suggest you leave.

Christine said...

Hey I know that nice pic, it's from the Border battle. Ain't I good :-) Welcome to blogger world.

Mountaingoat said...

Jeez, this thing already sucks.

Ben said...

Sweet, Bender-rific!

Iguana said...

Russell's right!! :).
Just messing around dude! Now you just have to keep up updating this thing, at firts I will update it, but then I got lazyyy. Can you tell by riding my last post? :)
See yaa.

bubba said...


Welcome to "The Great Waste of Time".

I will link you up asap because...."fastguy by association" is my motto....

Unknown said...

sweet. i have to actually log into my blog now to update links.

DIHAF? said...

You ever going to update this thing?

EXPO Racing said...

