
That’s its, that’s all. For me, I’ve got to call it a season. Mononucleosis is the subject.

The past few weeks have felt a little off. It kicked off with a weird tonsil infection a few weeks ago and after what seemed to be a healing period went back to general fatigue and the addition of more tonsil inflammation. As an athlete I just figured the fatigue was from heavier training out in the colder air. But this was different and it wasn’t going away. It was lasting. I tried to justify it by saying the season was long and I’m just losing motivation, but really I’ve never been more amped to ride and race, its just my body doesn’t want to.

So after a sweet win at the Beech, additional tonsil swelling and now a rash I figured another Doctor’s visit was in order. Tuesday confirmed that it wasn’t over training instead a virus was the culprit. Turns out I’m just over a week into it now. The upside? I’ve heard stories that in some cases mono can knock a brother out. Fortunately I’m able to do everything (nearly) that I’ve always been able to do. One thing that is out of the question is racing, something about an enlarged spleen and liver that can explode upon impact. No good.

So thru my calculation I figure this virus will let go of me the week of Iceman. I don’t feel a week of training will justify going to Michigan to race, nor would having lackluster form be worth the journey. Trying to race ‘cross after being somewhat off probably won’t feel all that good. So the solution? Call it a year…here’s to 2009!

Yeah I know suck it up and stop being just a wuss. I’d give myself a kidney shot if I were reading this too…


Mountaingoat said...

You can be a wuss. Mono is no joke. Dang, you still had a killer season. Beechwood and Palos winner, and that little WORS thing. If you are going to get sick now is the best time.

Although the downside of all this is that I won't be kissing you for at least a month now.

At least no tongue, maybe a peck on the cheek now and then...

amelia said...

you know goat, 95% of the population has been exposed to the virus by age 35 and are consequently immune to it. the odds that you would not get mono from making out with bender are pretty good. just sayin.

MTB Girl said...

Wow. That sucks. And you still dominated at The Blaster. What is that like? To have mono and STILL dominate? :-)

Rest up!

Ronsta, said...

This sucks but at least the years pretty much over. Great race last weekend, way to cap off the season. Now get well.

Mountaingoat said...

You hear that Bender, Amelia gave us her blessing. See ya Sunday!